Outils Froids

September 6, 2006

If you are one of the (cough…) 12 or so happy few who checked that blog, you saw I updated the blogroll on the left hand. Most of those link to friends or people I know, few link to pundits I appreciate, all are pretty much on topic with the theme of this blog… except for Géo212 but that’s because Thierry is an old friend and his blog is too much fun to read…

Reading Géo212 precisely, I discovered a blog which is very much on topic (with respect to Chandler) and that I recommend warmly: Outils Froids.

Thought provoking, intelligent, this blog takes the subject of PIM and related technologies to the level of momentous cultural shifts. Everything I read so far is good so I won’t recommend one post more than another. Check for yourself. A word of caution though: it’s in French…